
Enhancing Bariatric Care: Patient Engagement and Monitoring with moveUP Solution

November 23, 2022

In the intricate journey of bariatric surgery, effective patient engagement and monitoring are indispensable elements that extend beyond the operating room. The success of weight loss procedures is contingent on a multifaceted approach that encompasses both pre- surgery and post-surgery phases. Let's explore how the moveUP solution revolutionizes patient care and monitoring, offering not only tailored support for surgical patients but also extending its benefits to those undergoing non-surgical interventions, including medication management.

1. Collaborative Efficiency through Multidisciplinary Harmony

Achieving optimal outcomes in bariatric surgery necessitates seamless collaboration between the multidisciplinary team. This collaborative efficiency ensures that information flows smoothly from initial consultation to follow-up, fostering a unified approach to patient care.

2. Comprehensive Data Insights: PROMS, PREMS, and Real-Time Visualization

High-quality data is the linchpin of informed healthcare decisions. The moveUP solution excels in collecting Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROMS) and Experience Measures (PREMS)with a focus on achieving high data completeness. Real-time data visualization then empowers both patients and care teams to track progress, identify potential challenges, and make informed adjustments to treatment plans.

3. AI-Powered Personalized Support

Incorporating artificial intelligence, moveUP offers personalized support with automated protocols adjustable for each center. Automated messaging, goal managers, and decision support tools enhance the patient experience and optimize treatment outcomes, creating a tailored and responsive healthcare journey

4. Tailored Exercise Programs and Wearable Integration:

Physical activity remains a cornerstone of post-bariatric surgery life. The moveUP solution provides tailored exercise programs post-surgery, encompassing cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Integration with wearable activity trackers ensures real-time monitoring, promoting adherence to exercise regimens and providing valuable data for healthcare professionals.

5. Holistic Solution for All Phases: Ease of Use and Customization

The moveUP solution is not confined to the surgery itself; it covers the entire spectrum of patient care, from the first consultation to follow-up on lifestyle changes. Its user-friendly interface caters to both patients and caregivers. With adaptability across multiple centers and languages, moveUP features 100+ information modules tailored to patient needs, ensuring a holistic and customizable approach.

6. Demonstrated Success and Versatility:

The moveUP solution has demonstrated its success at international IFSO meetings, earning consistently high satisfaction levels from both patients and healthcare professionals. Importantly, it is not exclusively for surgical patients—its versatility extends to individuals undergoing non-surgical interventions, including medication management. The moveUP solution adapts to the diverse needs of obesity centers, providing comprehensive care beyond surgical boundaries.

Conclusion: Paving the Way for Inclusive Bariatric Care

In conclusion, moveUP emerges as a groundbreaking solution that not only elevates patient engagement and monitoring in bariatric surgery but also extends its benefits to non-surgical interventions. With its holistic approach, adaptability, and demonstrated success, moveUP is a beacon for the future of inclusive and effective bariatric care, ushering in a new era of improved outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Want to see how our program can be integrated in your center? Check out our video

In the intricate journey of bariatric surgery, effective patient engagement and monitoring are indispensable elements that extend beyond the operating room. The success of weight loss procedures is contingent on a multifaceted approach that encompasses both pre- surgery and post-surgery phases. Let's explore how the moveUP solution revolutionizes patient care and monitoring, offering not only tailored support for surgical patients but also extending its benefits to those undergoing non-surgical interventions, including medication management.

1. Collaborative Efficiency through Multidisciplinary Harmony

Achieving optimal outcomes in bariatric surgery necessitates seamless collaboration between the multidisciplinary team. This collaborative efficiency ensures that information flows smoothly from initial consultation to follow-up, fostering a unified approach to patient care.

2. Comprehensive Data Insights: PROMS, PREMS, and Real-Time Visualization

High-quality data is the linchpin of informed healthcare decisions. The moveUP solution excels in collecting Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROMS) and Experience Measures (PREMS)with a focus on achieving high data completeness. Real-time data visualization then empowers both patients and care teams to track progress, identify potential challenges, and make informed adjustments to treatment plans.

3. AI-Powered Personalized Support

Incorporating artificial intelligence, moveUP offers personalized support with automated protocols adjustable for each center. Automated messaging, goal managers, and decision support tools enhance the patient experience and optimize treatment outcomes, creating a tailored and responsive healthcare journey

4. Tailored Exercise Programs and Wearable Integration:

Physical activity remains a cornerstone of post-bariatric surgery life. The moveUP solution provides tailored exercise programs post-surgery, encompassing cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Integration with wearable activity trackers ensures real-time monitoring, promoting adherence to exercise regimens and providing valuable data for healthcare professionals.

5. Holistic Solution for All Phases: Ease of Use and Customization

The moveUP solution is not confined to the surgery itself; it covers the entire spectrum of patient care, from the first consultation to follow-up on lifestyle changes. Its user-friendly interface caters to both patients and caregivers. With adaptability across multiple centers and languages, moveUP features 100+ information modules tailored to patient needs, ensuring a holistic and customizable approach.

6. Demonstrated Success and Versatility:

The moveUP solution has demonstrated its success at international IFSO meetings, earning consistently high satisfaction levels from both patients and healthcare professionals. Importantly, it is not exclusively for surgical patients—its versatility extends to individuals undergoing non-surgical interventions, including medication management. The moveUP solution adapts to the diverse needs of obesity centers, providing comprehensive care beyond surgical boundaries.

Conclusion: Paving the Way for Inclusive Bariatric Care

In conclusion, moveUP emerges as a groundbreaking solution that not only elevates patient engagement and monitoring in bariatric surgery but also extends its benefits to non-surgical interventions. With its holistic approach, adaptability, and demonstrated success, moveUP is a beacon for the future of inclusive and effective bariatric care, ushering in a new era of improved outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Want to see how our program can be integrated in your center? Check out our video

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